Site of Special Scientific Interest

Some of Adisham’s woods have been designated SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest) status under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981). What does that mean?  

SSSIs are the finest sites for wildlife and natural features in England, supporting many characteristic, rare and endangered species, habitats and natural features.

Read more about SSSIs from the responsible government agency, Natural England, here.

Adisham’s SSSI woods (Oxenden, Pitt, Woodlands, Boughtonland, Well and Ileden Woods) are rich botanically and ornithologically. These woods hold one of the country's largest populations of Lady Orchid (orchis purpurea), a nationally rare species almost completely confined to Kent's chalk landscapes. They are also home to several other nationally and locally rare plant species. Lesser Butterfly-Orchid (platanthera bifolia), White Helleborine (cephalanthera damasonium), Birds-Nest Orchid (neottia nidus-avis), Trailing Tormentil (potentilla anglica) and Wild Strawberry (fragaria vesca) all occur throughout the SSSI and are listed on the Kent Rare Plant Register.

Notable bird species to have been previously recorded in the SSSI are Nightingale (17 pairs in 1985) and Hawfinch. A 2002/3 survey in the area around the SSSI recorded 16 Red List species and 26 Amber List species.

View more details about Adisham’s SSSI from Natural England here.